Application For Membership
Retail Florists: $75.00
Associate Members: $50.00
Associate Members- (voting privileges) $75.00

Please Check One Membership Type:
* = Required

     We hereby apply for Retail Florist Membership in NCSFA, agree to pay membership dues for the current year, and to support its endeavors of foster the florist industry in NC. Class A (voting) membership is limited to full service retail florists in NC., subject to the following requirements (Check ones applicable to you)

             Inventory of cut flowers, plants, greens
             Professional design services
             Wire services (list below)


             Delivery Service

    We hereby apply for Associate Membership in NCSFA, agree to pay membership dues for the current year and to support its endeavors to promote the florist industry in NC.   Associate (non-voting) membership is open to the following business activities (Check Category):

   Retail florist outside of NC
             Wholesale florist
            Manufacturer of florist supplies and accessories
            Manufacturer or representative of florist supplies and accessories
            Commercial grower or distributor of flowers and plants
             Wire service or suborganization
             Retired or semi-retired from above
            Organized floral association of the above categories in or out of NC
            Supporter of floral industry but not a direct supplier
            Employee of a business organization which is a member of NCSFA
             Individual supportive of the floral industry

*Firm Name
*Name and title of applicant: 
*Name of person filling out this form: 
*Business Phone: 
*E-Mail Address: 
(Optional) Web Address:

The membership number of a member of NCSFA (below) attests to and endorses the applicant's information as fact:

*Member firm: 
*Name/title of endorser: 
*Member Firm's member number: 
*Endorser's address: 

Send check made payable to NC State Florists Association, Inc. (address below).   If accepted, payment covers your membership through Oct. 1st through Sept. 30th.  (Processing of application not started until check received)

Mail to: NC State Florists Association
P.O. Box 41368
Raleigh, NC 27629

(919) 876-0687  |  (800) 889-7118  |  FAX  (919) 878-7413